Writing an Author's Bio

The first one was easy, it was for here. This one is my ... mind numbing attempt at writing one that's 250 words or less for an anthology for which I've submitted a short story related to my original workings. From the few hours of Googling (is that even a word? I bet it is), I've found that as a new/unpublished writer, I have nothing to boost of for published works; heck don't even have that elusive Bacholar's of (insert degree here) or Certificate of (insert certificate title here) from (insert higher learning school here).

So no schooling/degrees to boost of. What could be tossed in there? "Wait, didn't you said you've done fan fiction?" Yeah, so that might be considered to be freelance even though it was poorly written and set within worlds already established. So there's the 'freelancing writing' I can toss in there. What else?

"Favorite authors? Surely you've gotta have one?" I've got a few, though save for one, I'm not sure how they all tie in together for the short and the full length novels.

"What else can you mention in ... 250 words?" Something ... profound? *light bulb flicks on* Ha ah, I think I've got that. Now how to work that into the bio.

It's definitely a process to writing your own author's bio when there's little to toss in for schooling, to boost about, or announce in terms of new work. It'll be interesting to see how the editors of the anthology would handle what I send in.


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