Friendship Beyond Measure
I've been trying to figure out how to write this post since Monday, and it's proved to be a bit difficult. Even figuring out a title for the entry's proven difficult.
A bit of a backstory, if you will. I've gotten into the show Supernatural last year, even when I had entended to a couple years before that. Do the usual binge sessions to catch up before the new season (twelve seasons in two months was what I was able to do given my work schedule at the time), then dive into the new season.
I'd spend the hours not binging the show on youtube watching the gag reels and past convention panels. Needless to say, I was hooked. The deep and good friendships that the cast members that attended the conventions protrayed they cared not only for themselves, but the fans that attended.
One video at a con showed some of the cast celebrating Rob Benedict's birthday some four to five months after he suffered a stroke from which he was told he may not be able to talk and walk again (the actual story can be found in the book "Family Doesn't End in Blood").
In the same book, and I would want to say before the book, Jared opens up about having depression. And how he has the support form Jensen.
So ... I guess that's a bit of a background. Which would tie into where I'm trying to go with this. I see this brotherhood between Jared and Jensen, how they're so close, their kids would call the other "uncle". The thought would pass through my mind, "I'd like to have something like that." And I do in a way.
I don't wanna compare myself and my best friend -- my brother -- to say 'Oh, I'm like this guy. And he's like that guy,' but there's similarities. Knowing each other for more than a decade, and having only one major fight, there's bound to be that deep connection.
My dad taking him in, essentially keeping him off the streets for one of the coldest winters we've had. Him talking me out of performing self-harm when my own depression had gotten to a new low at a former place of employment.
Sure, I have friends that range from acquaintences to good friends. But I can count on one hand that holds the 'best friend' slot. He and I help each other, even knowing that the other can handle themselves.
Case on point, we had both worked at a small bar last year. During a local event, we were both there while the owners were working the actual event. I had been taking care of some pre-packed food in the bookstore next to the bar for the event to put away while the line cook for the bar attempted to climb over me to get into a walk-in cooler. I managed to get him back and upon standing, he patted my shoulder and paid some sort of compliment. I was already irritated from something else and told him off with 'touch me again, and see what happens.'
Food was taken care of and back to the bar I went; where I told my brother what happend. He, unknown to me at the time, went to the cook and told him off. Hadn't had trouble from the cook before he had gotten fired.
So, I guess that's what this entry is about; friendship and the deep bound that seems to come around to some people and stay.
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