Attempting to Keep Up

I'm doing better than I have before with becoming more active here with the blog. Granted I have one hit each on my first two entries, one being my "About Me" and the other my commentary on writing an author's bio for the anthology my short story has been published in. I think part of it is that if I don't see much in the way of viewing, there is little reason to keep the blog going if there's been a grand total of two views.

Yet ... If I don't keep up with making semi regular posts, I may not get more views that I'd like to see. So it's a double edged sword. I need to keep pushing myself on making blog posts even if I don't see the high number of views. I might do a mix of writing and real life blog posts and see where that takes me. It might help. If anyone actually reads this, and I've made more posts after this, let me know if it works or not.


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